The family at war
Auteurs   Staples, Mary Jane (Auteur)
Edition  Corgi books , 1998
Collation   352 p.
Format   18 cm
ISBN   978-0-552-14554-1
Langue d'édition   anglais
Sujets   Anglais (langue)
Catégories   Roman en anglais
Nombre de réservation(s) actuelle(s) : 0
SiteNuméroCoteSection / LocalisationEtat
Rochefort en Yvelines 1118887852212 ANG STAAdulte / -Disponible à Rochefort en Yvelines
Résumé : It was 1940, and many of the younger members of the Adams family were caught up in the war in France. Boots, now a Major and on the staff of General Sir Henry Simms, was one of the thousands of British troops trying to escape in the armada of little boats from Dunkirk. His son Tim and nephew Bobby were also struggling to reach the coast and safety, while Eloise was with the ATS awaiting the homecoming soldiers at Portsmouth with a comforting cup of tea and a ticket home. Boots and Tim both made it safely back, but of Bobby there was no sign, and the family all feared the worst.